Saturday, October 23, 2021

 Facebook has given up on me and I am giving up on Facebook. I am posting pictures from my power walk in my forest today October 23, 2021. 

My forest, Delsjöskogen has thousands of trees, some of them at least 500 years old. The sun was shining through the leaves today, leaves that soon will be on the ground.
This is an historic road, very, very old, name Storatorpsvägen after the area where I live. Just run down this road until you come to the castle and you are just a short walk to my home Iskällareliden 3B. I used to run like the man in green, now I walk here with my walking poles and I did today so that I could visit Lyckan Cafe at the top.

When you enter Lyckan (Happiness Cafe. you see these wise words: We Do Not Have WiFi, Talk To Each Other
Pretend It's 1995 

There on the left is Banana Bread to take home from Annika, she had requested on WhatsApp but I was one step ahead. On the right a waffle with fluffy cream and hallonsylt (raspberry jam)

Everybody was out today, Saturday in Sweden
This is my first blog post in a long time, I know it does not provide the access Facebook gives but my Facebook no longer works and it is serving all the wrong people so good reason to give it u´p