Tuesday, April 23, 2024

 Annika returns as Guardian Angel 4

My post pointing to Annika's unique role as one of my Guardian Angels was deleted when problems arose for both my blog and Gmail. Microsoft has informed me that both are working again so here are the first words about Annika's role.

Annika has commitments that in total are beyond doing, so her usual style as concerns helping me was to be a pinch-hitter (American baseball phrase) who could handle an odd request when I needed food or medicine that suddenly was no longer in a cabinet here at 3B.

Tuesday, 14:35 23 April: I edit this post with reference to the next sentence in an earlier draft: "If she was close by..."

Today she was close by having driven here to come in and tell Ann (already here) and me that she, Annika, had an offer too good to refuse. The offer was to drive us up to Lyckan, the coffee shop-restaurant at the top of our mountain from which one can look down on one of the two big lakes.

In the photo below taken by Annika you see the name and the place. Lyckan is well known for at least two reasons: 1) It has the best banana bread of any of the three places Annika visited when I was more mobile, and 2) Lyckan offers a perfect waffle with blueberry jam or sauce and whipped cream on top. Delicious, and it was lunch time. This was the first time I have been able to walk in my forest, and it felt wonderful to be surrounded by my trees.

Ann is helping Annika at her apartment now but later she will send a photo or photos of Annika and me hugging a very big and very healthy pine tree. That photo will appear below.

    Ann took this picture as we were leaving Lyckan. Looks like I have gotten shorter. I guess we can estimate the circumference or diameter of that tree which must be in the 150 year-old category. Thanks Ann.

Annika took a little fast walk along the beginning of the trail that goes around the two lakes, a 10 km trail that she often has run on when she drops in here at 3B. I used to run the first part of that trail and can see it clearly in my mind as if I were running on it. When I ran there alone I would come to some pretty steep stairs where I would turn around since going down steep stairs was no longer something I wanted to do.

Now I will begin the first essay in a series I am going to write after being inspired by reading historian Sven-Eric Liedeman's essays published under the title I NOVEMBER (In November) in which he reflects on being older, for him being in his early 80s.

My essay will be about the trees and forests I love, a subject he does not write about.

Annika may not write about trees but she too knows and loves them, and her photographs of them let the trees speak for themselves.

She often comes by here to switch into her running clothes and then take off to run the 10 km route.

Just now she cannot do that since she recently dislocated a shoulder. After that happened she came here to sleep a couple of nights where it is usually so peaceful one can really get a long satisfying sleep. She got two nights of good sleep and then another whole afternoon while I too was restoring myself with a long nap.


More photos to come! Who knows, maybe a nap too. I did not get the nap because a new promenade guide came by so I leaped out of bed and opened the door. I will write about her in my posts about the hemtjänst people that come here. She heard me speak and right away said "It's raining." I looked and saw that it really was coming down. So I said Jag ser fram emot ett besök av dig en annan dag. 


  1. Gary says "I cannot comment". I see a line No comments and click on that and comment as Kosmopol opens up. I click on notify me and publish notify me first, then publish

  2. I am trying to get Ann to file a comment to show that it is possible. Annika is much too busy to help me out.
